Holiday club
Holiday club is offered in the Bright Minds setting within the grounds of Kenton School. Places are available for school aged children.
We offer a variety of activities which are tailored to support each child’s interests. Regular outings are also arranged, these may incur a small charge.
Holiday Club Newcastle Upon Tyne
At Bright Minds Nursery, we offer a holiday club for young children and school-aged children during the holidays. We offer a range of activities to make sure that your child is constantly stimulated and challenged instead of sitting inside. Our team offer the widest variety of ongoing holiday support for parents and provide your children with the mental and physical stimulation that they need while school’s off for the holidays.
We’ve worked to provide holiday club classes and trips in Newcastle for years and understand how to deliver the best possible service while still offering the most fun for your kids. We know that during the holidays it’s important to you that your children are being taken care of and not getting into (too much) trouble! That’s why our holiday club gives you the peace of mind you need that they’re enjoying themselves while school’s out and provides the right kind of fruitful activity to keep them sharp for when school gets back.
Whether you need a half-day or full-day service from our holiday club in Newcastle, we’re here to deliver the best options for you and take care of your children while you’re at work.

£26 per full day – 8am to 5.45pm
£13 per half day – 8am to 1pm
Places must be booked and paid for in advance.
Contact Us
Looking for more information or want to book a visit?
Contact us using the form below and we will be in touch soon.